As the brief of the project was to transform the entrance of the museum into a more navigable space, the Shop was designed in parallel to the Box Office.
The box office incorporates screens and so introduces the media element of the museum from the front door. A larger selection of screens has been designed in a media wall near to the Box Office desk to further help to inform the visitors of the museum’s events and exhibitions.
The green and white colour scheme of the Shop contrasts the black of the Box Office and defines the Shop as its own space, while the areas still complement each other. The shop’s bespoke box storage units, when securely closed, act as a ‘Shop Closed’ sign which permits the area to remain almost undisturbed when closed whilst simultaneously being clearly and securely out of bounds to the public.
The project required the Shop to be relocated and the new area was only two thirds the size of the original space. The success of our design can be seen in the museum’s sales as, despite the smaller size, these have increased by 10% since our re-design.